Sunday, September 2, 2007

Burning the Midnight Oil

Up late tonight. Been a long time since I have been up past ten o'clock. I am definitely not a night owl. But one huge bonus to being up late - I get to sleep late too!!

Sleeping late is seriously one of my favorite things to do. I love waking up late and then laying in bed for hours. I can watch tv; read a book; bring my coffee to bed; stretch and just roll around doing basically nothing. When I sleep late, my cats generally join me in bed. Love the cuddle factor.

When I stay in bed at some point late in the morning my hubby comes in and stands in the doorway. He asks something like "what are your plans today?" My usual answer is, "I'm doing it." I am not sure what to think of this whole thing we play out many Sundays. Too bad he doesn't come snuggle with me. Course then I would have to share the remote and the bed. When he came to bed tonight I wasn't ready to share the bed. Not usual for me. I love to cuddle. For some reason I just didn't want to move my ass over. And I like to lay across the middle of the bed when I watch tv. I tend to roll and move around too. So not much room for others. I think I need a t-shirt that says, "hogs the bed" or "doesn't share when watching tv."

Problem with being up late - you get the munchies. And when you are on some sort of diet (I truly hate that word) you really can't just sit and munch. Odd thing about munchin' - I am not really hungry. Just feel like snacks would go good with my late night mood.

I am currently doing the "Zone Diet." As I read these two books I have on it - here and here - I am reminded that this isn't a diet. Uhm, okay I can totally get into the mental aspect of saying "not on a diet," but if I can't eat what I want, when I want then isn't it really a diet? It isn't too bad so far, course I have been working on this at my own pace. I don't deprive myself of the things I want. If I want a bite of cake, I have a bite of cake. Then again I haven't felt the need to go on any binges, so really I have been pretty good. I am just having a little trouble with the what is best to eat. I haven't sat down and physically read the book - no motivation - so skimming hasn't really been all that effective in helping me really understand what I am doing either. I guess my heart isn't really into this diet right now. The only reason I started it was to work on losing a few pounds because of some medication I am taking right now - adds pounds. Sucks. I would love to go join Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig, but I think my husband wouldn't like the cost and I really hate to go to all that trouble for a few pounds. I haven't been to motivated to go to the gym either. And I really like it when I get to the gym, it just seems hard to get there. My hubby likes to work out at night, but if I go late it keeps me up at night. And I am crap if I don't get a full nights sleep.

I am ready for new MP3 music. I love my songs, but I seem to really listen to them at the gym. Could use some better fast music. Need something to pump me up. No pun intended.

Today is the first day of my birthday month. Well, I guess it is the second day officially. I am a virgo. What's your sign? Apparently I am also an Earth sign. It is truly amazing how much I think this defines me. Pretty darn close. Scary even. I am definitely a perfectionist, but in my own right. I do everything my own way, but I do that way every time.

Haven't been motivate to do much of anything lately. I keep having these great ideas for scrapbook pages. Have yet to scrap anything in over a week. No pressure. I know that when I finally sit down to scrap, I will do it for hours and make up for the lost time.

I picked up my book again by Barbara Delinsky. Reading it really slowly. Just not in any great rush to finish.

I love my mags that I get. Wish I subscribed to more. I currently get Tango (4xs a yr), Simple Scrapbooks (6xs a yr) and Woman's Day (a gift from mom - 12xs a yr). Ordered Creating Keepsakes just last month, still waiting for my first edition. Would love to have Oprah's, Real Simple, Cottage Living - wow the list really goes on. I picked up The New Yorker and Newsweek while on traveling last weekend. Loved that! Haven't read the good stuff in a long time. Makes me want to up my newspaper subscription again - only taking the Sunday right now.

Really just enjoying the fact that I have no plans. I pretty much lounge around on my days off. During the week I am trying to be really good and make dinner at home. I have kept up on laundry and dishes surprisingly well. Normally these are my first complaints. Would love to work at home. Course I say work, but I would love to be a stay at home mom.

I am ready for kids. I think. Course are you ever really ready? I know everything would change. I love my free time and I am definitely not a good sharer. But I can feel myself becoming ready to have kids.

My poor stepson is my test child. I love him dearly, but quite often I feel I am just adding to the hours of therapy he will probably need later in life. LOL.

Wow I can't believe how hard it is to type this late. My fingers just won't move as fast as I will them to.

That is enough for now. Way too long.

Happy Birthday Virgos. I love birthdays.

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